Electric Fires

Electric fires are able to be installed into any room and can be free standing or installed into a fireplace for a more authentic look.  They are also available as hole in the wall and hang on the wall installations.  For a fantastically modern look check out the Stovax Riva inset electric range.  For a fire with lots of looks check out the Magiglo insight from the designer range of fires.


Installation Situations

Solid fuel, gas and electric stoves can all be installed into existing chimney breasts.  Should you be unlucky not to have a class 1 chimney fear not as all types of stoves, log burners can be installed into a room without a chimney.  Solid fuel stoves do require a Class I flue, this could be by way of an existing chimney or by the installation of a new twin walled insulated flue system. We at By The Fire do recommend the lining of an existing chimney but would like to point out that it is not required to enable the installation of said stove.  We are also qualified and offer the service of installation of the insulated twin wall flues into the homes without an existing chimney stack.

Gas Stoves are available as Conventional Flue(Class 1 flue), Balanced Flue, Power Flue and Flueless (any home with or without a flue).

Electric stoves can be installed just about anywhere and can be finished off with a false flue pipe for a more authentic look if that is your desire.